Our instructors are some of the best operators, medics, fighters, and law enforcement in the country. Come learn from the best!

Sheepdog Response Virtual Training Help Page

Sheepdog Response made the switch to a new platform in October 2022 to host our virtual training courses. This new platform will provide a much better customer experience with our virtual training. Below are the answers to some questions you may have about the switch or about the new platform.

Why are we switching to a new platform for our virtual courses?

There are many benefits that will improve the customer experience with our virtual training. Now you will be able to save your place in the course and easily return where you left off. Your course will also be more easily viewable and compatible with mobile devices. Soon, each course will have an accompanying PDF notes guide. You can easily view information about the course instructor, and quickly access a list of live training events that correspond with your virtual course.

If I bought a virtual course before the switch, can I still watch my course on the original platform?

Yes, you can still log in through our website and watch your course in the same place you originally did, under "My courses."

Why did an email with the subject line, "Your New Sheepdog Response Account" get sent to me?

This email was sent to you because we created an account for you, allowing you to log in to the new platform to view your courses and reset your password if you wish. If you bought a course before the switch, you received an additional email informing you of this process. You may have also received emails informing you of your access to the courses you purchased.

I purchased a virtual course, but where do I find it?

Go to https://training.sheepdogresponse.com/login to log in. If you have not reset your password yet, use the email and password given to you in the "Your New Sheepdog Response Account" email. Otherwise, use the password you set up after initially logging in to your account. You may also need to reset your password. Once you log in you should be able to access the "My Courses" page and start your virtual training.

How do I reset my generated password once I log in to the account created for me?

Once you log in to your account via the generated password sent to you in the "Your New Sheepdog Response Account" email, click on the profile picture silhouette in the upper right corner. Hit settings, then scroll down to the "Password" section of settings. There, you can use the generated password to reset it to a new password.

Another option is to select "Forgot Password" on the Log In page if you cannot find the email with the generated password. Use the email you entered when purchasing your virtual course to ensure you can complete the password recovery process. 
